So it has been a while now since I have posted anything here. I was sitting watching Flashcast and thinking about the day that has passed. I thought since I had not posted to Locals in 7 months I should try and write something down. With so much that seems to be going on in this world. Any subject should work.
Looking around at the hilariousness of Joe Biden pooping his pants at the Vatican. I thought I must have something interesting to say about such a thing. I did a little digging to find out why such a thing would happen. With Twitter showing #PoopypantsBiden a trend of 78.3K at the time I write this. I figure this has to be legit.
Yep, even with no cameras evidence there is plenty of information that is being passed around that he indeed did poop his pants, again. You read that right. I said again and I meant it. This Senile old man has shat himself enough times that there are T-shirts that say "I pooped myself again" with his face on them. These t-shirts are a few years old. I can not help myself and laugh at this man.
This man has been pooping on himself for the last few years. This is not a new instance of things that happen to our current President. He has a long history of pooping on himself and would be better off wearing an adult diaper if this is the case. His handlers are not very good at helping him get to a bathroom.